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Data Science Certification Training Course

Data Science Certification Training Course

The field of study known as data science works with enormous amounts of data using cutting-edge tools and methods to uncover hidden patterns, glean valuable information, and make business decisions. Data science creates predictive models using sophisticated machine learning algorithms.

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Data Science Certification Training Overview

The field of study known as data science works with enormous amounts of data using cutting-edge tools and methods to uncover hidden patterns, glean valuable information, and make business decisions. Data science creates predictive models using sophisticated machine learning algorithms.

Knowing what data science is now can help you better understand the data science lifecycle. The lifecycle of data science has five distinct phases, each with specific duties:

Data extraction, signal reception, data entry, and data capture. During this phase, raw, unstructured, and structured data must be gathered.

Maintain: Data Architecture, Data Warehousing, Data Cleaning, Data Staging, and Data Processing. This phase deals with transforming the raw data into a usable form.

What benefits does this course provide ?

Leading businesses offer this course to their employees

Next Cohort Starts on

30th September 2024
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  • 00Days
  • 00Hours
  • 00Minutes
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    Data Science Certification Training  enhances skills, boosts career prospects, provides practical experience, increases earning potential, and improves business outcomes.

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    5: Get Exam-Ready

    6: Take the Exam

    7: You're Now Certified!



    Module01: Introduction
    • Data Science and Applications Overview
    • Data science terminology used frequently
    • Different positions within data science
    • Important Phases of the Data Science Life Cycle
    • Organizational issues when developing projects for data science
    Module02: Problem Formulation and Storytelling
    • Framework for problem formulation and how to find the best problem statement
    • Framework and Building of Hypotheses
    • How to Create a Complete Hypothesis Set
    • Basics, Formulas, and Functions in Excel
    • Excel charts, pivot tables, sorting, filtering, and a tool for what-if analysis
    • Utilize Excel to create business simulations.
    Module03: Create Data Stories Using SQL
    • Database Fundamentals
    • A database’s ACID and BASE properties
    • utilising SQL, Data extraction from databases with numerous tables
    • Utilizing SQL for Data Analysis
    Module04: Create Data Stories with PowerBI
    • The process of loading datasets and creating table associations
    • Utilizing power query to manipulate dataUtilize a variety of visualisations and dashboards
    • working with drill-down functionality in advanced charts and map visualisations
    • DAX expression drafting
    • Utilizing power query to manipulate data

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      Not sure how to get started?

      Data Science Certification

      Q.1 How to become an Data science specialist ?
      To become a data science specialist, acquire relevant education, develop skills in programming, statistics, and machine learning, gain practical experience through projects or internships, and stay updated with industry trends.
      Q2. What technical skills required to apply for the certification?
      To apply for a data science certification, you need proficiency in programming languages (Python, R), data manipulation, statistical analysis, machine learning, data visualization tools, and familiarity with SQL and big data technologies.
      Q3 What are the benefits of Data science Specialist ?

      A data science specialist benefits from high demand for skills, attractive salaries, and diverse job opportunities. They gain the ability to drive data-driven decisions, solve complex problems, and influence business strategies.

      Q.4 What is the validity of certera certification?

      Certera Certification is accepted globally and has been recognized by top notch companies.


      Frequently Asked Questions

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        Who is this program meant for?

        The Data Science Immersive Bootcamp is designed for fresh graduates, young professionals and anyone who wants to make an early transition into the world of data science. The program is focussed on instilling the relevant skills required by the industry and to land you a guaranteed job in data science.

        Can I take up this program along with my current job

        Yes. The Data Science Immersive Bootcamp Program is perfect for all the Working Professionals. The Live Online classes are held in late evenings and over the weekends which gives you the flexibility to attend all the classes or you can also choose the Bootcamp Flex which will have learning modules, projects and assignments that you can complete at your own pace.

        How to enroll

        By choosing a convenient Data Science course schedule, you can sign up for this course.
        Pay for the course enrollment and sign up.

        To begin preparing, obtain reference materials from Certera.

        What are the main uses of data science?
        • Healthcare companies are using data science to build sophisticated medical instruments to detect and cure diseases.
        • Gaming.
        • Image Recognition.
        • Recommendation Systems.
        • Logistics
        • Fraud Detection.
        • Internet Search.
        • Speech recognition.
        Why data science is important in future?

        Data scientists are typically responsible for data analytics to find new insights. They often work with advanced machine learning models to predict future customer or market behavior based on past trends. The ultimate goal of what businesses hope to get from data scientists isn’t expected to change.

        Where is Data Science Mainly Used
        1. Banking is one of the biggest applications of Data Science.
        2. Data Science has played a key role in automating various financial tasks.
        3. In the 21st century, Data Scientists are the new factory workers.
        4. Transport.
        5. Healthcare.
        6. E-Commerce.

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